
About Wanting a Change

Acceptance can be a really hard term for some people. Specially nowadays, with social media and women looking “perfect” all the time. But we forget that behind every Instagram post there is good lighting, a nice hairdo, make-up, right angle, filter, photoshop etc. It’s important to remind ourselves that the virtual world is very different from the real one. 

There is nothing wrong with wanting that red carpet hair, but does it suit you and your hair type? And your skin tone? And your lifestyle? Or you want to change just because that’s what’s in style right now? We need to talk about that.


Thinks to consider before changing your hair

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to change your hair color. It can be really fun to have a makeover! But think hard: do the color and style you want work for you? A platinum blonde doesn’t suit every skin tone, for example (red or brown hair also don’t). A thin, long hair can look completely flat, and bangs can be really tricky when you don’t have the time to style it every morning. Even the shape of your face must also be taken into consideration when thinking about a new haircut.

Changing your hair is a big decision, that requires a lot of thought, so here are a few things you need to consider:

• How is the overall health of your hair? A dry hair will definitely not look good when bleached, for example.
• Do you already have a well-established hair care routine? To change your hair color and keep it healthy and beautiful, you need to take good care of it at home.
• How is your lifestyle? If you’re always on the run and doesn’t have time to go to the salon to retouch your roots every time you need to? Then maybe coloring or balayage isn’t the right choice for you. The same goes for a haircut that requires a certain amount of maintenance, like short bangs.
• How often do you use a hair dryer, hair straightener or curling iron? Keep in mind that this can also have a big impact on the change you want for your hair.
• How is your hair texture like? A very fine hair may not do well with bleaching, for example.

Do you really want to change?

Our hair says a lot about ourselves, especially as women.  Many times, without even noticing it, we express ourselves through our hair: it’s unlikely that you will want to fix your hair when you’re not in a very good mood. And a makeover can do wonders for our self-esteem! But it doesn’t need to be that platinum blonde from the magazine. We definitely don’t need to overdo in order to become happy with the way we look. This is the part where having a good, trustworthy professional by your side makes all the difference: this is the person who can tell you exactly what your hair needs, and what will and will not look good on you, based on your specific hair and lifestyle. The right combination of haircut + color can make you look amazing and bring out your best features. And believe it or not, most of the times, it’s the smallest change that brings out your natural beauty. Remember: we are all unique, and we don’t need to (nor should we!) compare ourselves and try to have the same hair from that Hollywood carpet actress. We can of course dye and cut our hair the way we want to, but it’s important to only do that if we really want to, not because we think we do, or because we are told to do so… don’t forget that.


Ok, I’ve decided: I want a makeover! What now?

If you decided that a makeover is the way to go, then here are a few tips to make this happen in the best possible way:

  • Trust the person doing your hair. It’s extremally important to trust and listen to the professional that is taking care of you. This person has studied a lot and knows just what can go wrong and what can be a success for you.
  • Have realistic expectations. For example: if you have a very dark natural hair, don’t expect to go out of the salon a platinum blonde on day one. Some procedures take time and need to be done in separate steps so that your hair doesn’t break. What’s the point of having the perfect blonde if it feels more like a broom? Healthy hair first, always!
  • Don’t forget to trim the ends every 2-3 months. It’s important for the overall health and growth of your hair, specially before going through a chemical procedure, like balayage.
  • Keep your hair moisturized. Doesn’t matter if you’re gonna dye, bleach, or simply cut, it’s important that your hair is healthy, as this will make the process run smoother and influence the end result. 

So, do you want to do a small – or big! – change and are currently here in The Netherlands? Book your appointment here. Let’s talk, I will love to get to know you better and help you throughout the process!

With love,

Eliana Martt


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